My Ponderings

Worship.What is worship? The dictionary describes worship as "reverent honor and homage paid to God".
Countless examples of worship can be found in the Bible. Diverse people worshipping in many different ways but ultimately they were worshipping one Being and for one reason; to glorify God.
Why do YOU worship?
Worshipping in songs, when used in corporate worship, has been scrutinized immensely over the past years. In all likeliness it has been a focus of discussion and dispute since the beginning of time.
Why is this? Have we gone away from the true meaning of worship and put ourselves into the equation where we aren’t supposed to be? I’m not saying that we aren’t a part of the worship equation. I believe that we are. We are giving our adoration to God. But, we aren’t the focus.
Worship is about GOD.
…we worship who GOD is.
…we worship what HE is doing.
…we worship HIS love and what HE has done for us.
…we worship HIM for creating us and the magnificent world in which we dwell in.
…we profess our love to HIM.
We worship Him for so many reasons.
Does worship change? Yes and No. Style of worship changes but that doesn’t mean that the new is superior to the old or that one or the other is the only true form of worship and thus superior.
Look at David. He wrote copious amounts of songs glorifying His God. He danced naked before the Lord. Did he worry about whether this was the correct way of worship or argue that his way was old or new or better than those before him or who will come after him? No, he just worshipped God.
Fast-forward to 2012…
A teenager listens to Christian Heavy Metal. People say this isn’t really worshipping God but rather a bunch of noise. A lady stands up in church with arms raised and tears rolling down her cheeks as she sings a song of praise to her Lord and Savior. They say that she’s not really worshipping God because the song is about her relationship with God and not solely about God. An 85 year old pours her heart out as she sings the Hymns that she learned as a child; the hymns written in the 1800’s.
What do all of these scenarios have in common? They are all people worshipping God in the way that brings reverence to Him. Our devotion to Him is no better or no worse for the type of worship that we do. The point is that we worship. We adore our Lord and thusly we worship. So, we need to stop focusing on how others worship and come along side and encourage the worship whether they prefer Christian Speed Metal or Hymns or anything in-between. It may not be the way that you worship but the fact is we are all unified in worshipping God.